Landscaping. Maintenance. Horticulture.

Research shows that indoor plants:

Help improve productivity and performance Help improve well being Help improve indoor air quality Help to lower stress and negative feelings Help reduce sick building syndrome Improve business image with potential clients

Plants Can Help Reduce Sick Building Syndrome Another key study was carried out at the offices of the Norwegian State Oil Company by Tove Fjeld. She examined the effect of indoor plants on health and discomfort among a group of office workers. Data was collected regarding 12 different symptoms, including fatigue, headache, dry skin on the hands and face, coughing, and eye irritation. After this time, half of the group were provided with a selection of common interior plants and half had none.
Over three months, considerably fewer health problems were reported by those people with plants. Fatigue and headache fell by 30% and 20% respectively, hoarseness and a dry throat fell by around 30%, coughing by around 40% and dry facial skin fell by around 25%.

  • Install and Remove any type of Trees safely
  • Maintenance services to keep trees are healthy
  • Insured and provide expert solutions
  • Experienced in commercial scale planting
  • Evaluate degree of difficulty on every removal